Direct Support Professionals Don’t Have One. They Work Anonymously.
They don’t have one. They work anonymously.
To lead this game-changing effort, the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) is building a nationwide coalition to issue a petition to the US Office of Management and Budget, demanding that the office Establish a Direct Support Professional Standard Occupational Classification. As of this blog post, there are more than 3,000 petition signers who believe in the significance of a SOC.
In addition to the petition, a letter has been drafted to U.S. Senator Bob Casey outlining these issues and asking for his support. We ask that all Direct Support Professionals – and those who rely on them – take a bold stance, advocate as one, and band together under this important initiative for a Standard Occupational Classification. Please sign and share this petition with others. Direct Support Professionals should not have to work anonymously anymore.
Petition Partner Organizations
The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) is leading this campaign with the support of the following industry partners, who are committed to Establish a Direct Support Professional Standard Occupational Classification:
- Alliance for Citizen Directed Supports
- American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD)
- American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)
- American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR)
- The Arc of the United States
- Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)
- Community Bridges Consulting Group
- CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership
- Human Services Research Institute (HSRI)
- National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD)
- National Association on Dual Diagnosis (NADD)
- National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disability Services (NASDDDS)
- National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities (NLCDD)
- Research and Training Center at The University of Minnesota
- Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE)
- The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices (TLCPCP)
- The Sibling Leadership Network (SLN)
I support this action for Direct Support Professionals.
DSPs are too important to ignore! They provide vital supports to our loved ones and should be paid appropriately