DSP-Specialist - Health Support Information
The DSP-Specialist in Health Support credential (DSP-S-HS) recognizes competence in supporting people utilizing community human services to make good choices related to their health.These healthy choices may include things such as eating healthy, visiting the doctor regularly, and getting the right amount of exercise. These specialists understand health-related issues across the life span for people with disabilities and can support individuals working with health care providers.
Required elements:
- Must be a DSP-Certified II;
- Approved continuing education in health support (40 hours);
- Portfolio work sample that demonstrates competence in health support;
- Proof of one year continuous work providing support to people with special health care needs; and
- Letter from employer in support of competence and professional integrity in the area of health support.
Recognized award:
- Officially embossed certificate that identifies them personally as a DSP- Specialist in Health Support;
- Lapel pin that says “Direct Support Professional – Specialist;” and
- Personalized letter from NADSP congratulating them on their achievement.
Fee: $100
Re-certification: In order to maintain DSP-Specialist in Health Support status the DSP must be re-certified every two years. The re-certification process requires:
- Re-certification of the DSP-Certified credential;
- Proof of completion of 5 hours of continuing education in health support;
- Re-affirmation of commitment to the NADSP Code of Ethics
Fee: $50