Let’s Talk: Mitigating Risk – How DSPs Can Promote Safety and Autonomy

Oct 9, 2024 | Events, News, Webinars

In a 2023 International Journal for Direct Support Professionals article, Hickey and Kariunas discuss cases where individuals with disabilities want to engage in activities that pose a risk of harm, such as a person wanting to make pancakes, which involves potential dangers like burns or fires. Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) must balance supporting these individuals’ autonomy while ensuring their health and safety. Eliminating all risks would mean preventing the activity entirely, which would stop the individual from doing what they want. Instead, DSPs can mitigate the risks by teaching safety techniques to reduce the likelihood or severity of harm. If the risks are minimized sufficiently, it may be reasonable for the individual to proceed with the activity, accepting the remaining risks.

On this month’s Let’s Talk webinar, Jonathan M. Wilwerding and Catherine McCoy join NADSP’s John Raffaele to discuss their International Journal for direct support professionals article, “The Limits of Training as a Way to Mitigate Risk: How DSPs Can Promote Safety and Autonomy by Other Means.” ASL interpretation will be available during the webinar along with closed captions.

For previous issues of The International Journal for Direct Support Professionals, click here.

Thursday, October 31 | 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET