Let’s Talk: Clinical Philosophy: Bridging Theory and Direct Support Practice
This month’s Let’s Talk webinar will explore the concept of clinical philosophy in direct support practice.
Think of clinical philosophy as a moral compass that helps healthcare professionals steer their way through the commitment and challenges of being a direct support professional (DSP). It serves as a guiding framework that informs decision-making, shapes professional values, and influences the quality of the care we provide. It is all about understanding why we do what we do, and what values drive our actions.
NADSP Director of Educational Services, John Raffaele welcomes Erica D’Arpino-Sgrignuoli, Behavior Analyst and Virginia Jahyu, expressive arts therapist, to discuss their article, ” An Exploration of Clinical Philosophy: Bridging Theory and Practice” This webinar is a companion to the July International Journal for Direct Support Professionals issue. ASL interpretation will be available during the webinar along with closed captions.
For previous issues of The International Journal for Direct Support Professionals, click here.