Certification and Credentialing at Black Hills Works

Sep 14, 2020 | Campaigns, News

Submitted By: Tanya Fritz, Director of Credentialing at Black Hills Works, tfritz@bhws.com

Black Hills Works is committed to supporting credentialing and certification because we believe in our Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and in those that they support. Credentialing is designed to support staff on their journey to master the skills they need to advance their career and become an ethical and effective DSP or Frontline Leader. Just as importantly, it ensures that people receiving support partner with DSPs with the highest level of skills, values, and knowledge.

We are seeing amazing growth in our DSPs… through increased self-confidence, skill development, and strengthening relationships. We are beginning to collect data and hope to see a decrease in turnover.

Jennifer Peterson, DSP-III Shows Us What Is Possible!

Three years ago, Jennifer Peterson embarked on this journey. During her first year of credentialing, Jennifer completed a year of classes and presentations highlighting her work. Just about the time she was ready to turn in her portfolio, she learned of NADSP’s shift to the E-Badge Academy.

She may have been disappointed, lamenting on the potentially “unnecessary” steps she had taken, but her internal compass continued to point her toward her goal. She saw the switchbacks ahead and pushed forward. She completed her second level of credentialing and earned a second wage increase. And when she finally earned her DSP-III in August, the joy and pride she felt was genuine and well-earned!

As a result of her participation in the credentialing program, Jennifer is earning over $12,000 more a year than she did just 18 months ago! The increased wages and education can change a job into a career!

Given her commitment to growth and positive development, it is fitting that Jennifer focused on physical and mental well-being for her DSP capstone project. Her love of the outdoors and passion to push herself was a positive influence on those she supported, and soon they were wanting to join her in conquering the mountains in their backyard.

Please join me in congratulating Jennifer for achieving her DSP-III through Black Hills Works and for motivating many along the way!

Jennifer is among over 100 other DSPs pursuing certification and credentialing at Black Hills Works.

About Black Hills Works

For over six decades, Black Hills Works has provided homes, employment, recreation, and social outlets for adults with disabilities. Today, we support almost 600 people with a wide array of disabilities, creating a community where everyone participates to achieve a life of full potential.

Above all, Black Hills Works is a person-centered agency. We put the people we support at the center of our agency and the decisions and planning that impact their lives. To help people self-direct their lives, we provide education, exposure, and experiences so that they can determine their own goals, and provide the supports they need to achieve their dreams.

Help Us Carry Out Our Mission

You can join The National Alliance For Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) through NADSP Membership, and support us to elevate the status of direct support professionals.

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