NADSP E-Badge Earner of the Month: Ronielyn C. Rosal

by | May 5, 2022 | News

Congratulations to Ronielyn C. Rosal who has been selected as the May 2022 NADSP E-Badge Academy Earner of the Month.We are recognizing  Ronielyn for her excellent ‘Research’ E-Badge submission. This badge represents a Direct Support Professionals’ work in seeking feedback from many sources in use to improve work performance and skills.This badge is part of the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Education, Training and Self-Development.

Ronielyn works as a Program Instructor for Penn-Mar Human Services. Penn-Mar Human Services’ mission is to support people to live courageously in pursuit of their best life. To learn more about Penn-Mar Human Services, click here.

Ronielyn​’s Experiences With The NADSP E-Badge Academy

The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) recently asked Ronielyn about her experiences with the NADSP E-Badge Academy. The questions covered how she carries out her work as a direct support professional, the skillsets she demonstrates on a daily basis, the impact that the E-Badge Academy has had on her professional recognition, and how she gets credit for competency.

Describe the story you shared in carrying out that competency:

​The story I shared was about helping the person I support communicate through his communication device. Since the device was new to us I sought for ways to learn through research and connected with the family and the speech therapist so I can learn to navigate the device. Through determination, I was able to learn it and teach the person I support communicating with it.

Why is this competency so important to DSPs?

This competency is important because as a DSP we don’t only utilize what is in front of us, we continue to strive and be more creative and resourceful since we are dealing with unique and diverse personalities.  A competent DSP must have an open mind to see the greater scheme of things so that she/he can map out alternatives and interventions that are suited to the needs and the personalities of the people we support. Thinking outside the box and taking the initiatives with vigilance and consistency can guarantee positive change in the lives of the people we support.

How have you used this competency in your work?

On many occasions in order to help the people l support have a better experience, I practice flexibility and go beyond their usual day and find things that make more sense to them. Being in Career Ladder enables me to gain the skills, competencies and values on how to support them effectively by allowing them to be who they are and drawing out the best in them. .

How can other DSPs replicate your practices?

Every day I have always brought my smile and positivity with me at work because I believe it is important to create that sense of a healthy and friendly environment around the people that we support. As a DSP we never stop learning, cognizant of the fact that an effective DSP is one that is resourceful enough to explore other means of doing things and to take the initiative to try new things that are proven to be of help to the people we support and always setting the focus on a person centered approach.

How does the NADSP E-Badge Academy benefit your agency?

NADSP E-Badge Academy is beneficial to our agency because it is an important support mechanism for  us Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) to learn standard competencies,  skills and values that will enable us  to offer  effective services to the people we  support. It educates us DSPs to validate our actions and response to such unique experiences with the people we support daily. As such, productivity, quality and competitiveness of the DSPs are ensured, and maintaining and raising the standards of my agency in terms of achieving its mission-vision, core values and goals are also guaranteed.

How does NADSP E-Badge Academy benefit the people you support?

I believe that competent, dedicated and reliable DSPs will have a positive impact in the realization of the company’s mission, core values and goals since people receiving support from efficient and competent DSPs will have the advantage to learn and grow according to their unique innate capabilities through the DSPs’ skillful utilization of effective methods, strategies and activities suited to the needs of the people they support.

What does the future hold for your involvement in the NADSP E-Badge Academy?

Indeed, I feel blessed that I am able to reach Career ladder III and earn this NADSP E-badge earner of the month. But I should not rest on my laurels because there is so much to learn in life and I am convinced that learning is a lifelong process and all I have to do is to seize all opportunities for learning by exploring training, programs and activities offered by NADSP E-Badge Academy.

How has NADSP E-Badge Academy affected your professional image?

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science but my fate redirected me in this field and it is by far one of the most rewarding jobs I’ve ever done. My everyday dealing with the people I support gives me a sense of fulfillment as I watch them make progress slowly but steadily with my guidance and assistance.  Earning badges boosts my confidence for it serves as an affirmation that I am fully equipped with the knowledge, skills and aptitudes of a competent and dedicated DSP. Above all, receiving this certification makes me feel honored that my company acknowledges me as one of its trusted professionals who can efficiently and effectively deliver the quality and competent services to the people we support.

Has the NADSP E-Badge Academy affected your skills?

Yes, having successfully completed the requirements and gained the set competencies gave me a sense of realization and confidence to become more empowered in supporting our individuals in their journey towards self- improvement and changing their lives into living because of the training and the experiences I gained from NADSP E-badge Academy.

How does NADSP E-Badge Academy give you credit for competency?

Earning a badge would enable me to receive monetary incentives, but more importantly, the badge in itself is a symbol of company’s affirmation and recognition of my efforts to grow personally and professionally.  It is so heartwarming to note that my company provided me an avenue to develop my innate talents, skills and capabilities and openly recognize my efforts by giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity and for this, I am forever grateful to my company, to my colleagues and to the people I support.

Words from Penn-Mar Human Services 

“Ronielyn has been a valuable, high performing team member for many years at Penn-Mar.  Her experience through NADSP’s E-badge Academy has enabled her to achieve an even higher-level of professional growth. This ultimately benefits the individuals Ronielyn supports each day in their journey pursuing their best life. We are very proud of Ronielyn and she is well deserving of this recognition.”- Greg Miller, President and CEO

“Ronielyn has proven her ability to implement person-centered approaches time and time again in her DSP work as she’s moved through every level of E-Badge Academy. Her passion for this field and wanting to provide the best support by increasing her knowledge is evident and inspiring. I’m incredibly proud of Ronielyn for reaching every level of E-Badge Academy and being an outstanding role model for other DSPs.”- Kelly Fry, Career Ladders Program Coordinator


The NADSP E-Badge Academy

The NADSP E-Badge Academy offers Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and Frontline Supervisors (FLSs)  the ability to earn national certification through stackable electronic badges. These badges demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and values that these professionals utilize every day, recognizing the professional development that might otherwise go unacknowledged.  Through the NADSP E-Badge Academy, DSPs and FLSs are acknowledged for the experience and education that they bring to the human services field.

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