NADSP E-Badge Academy Earner of the Month: Iva Mack
Congratulations to Iva Mack who has been selected as the April 2022 NADSP E-Badge Academy Earner of the Month.We are recognizing Iva for her excellent ‘Cultural Support’ E-Badge submission. This badge represents a DSP’s skill in providing or accessing services that fit with the individuals’ culture or preferences..This badge is part of the Cultural Competency CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Provide Person-Centered Supports.
Iva works for The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region (The Arc NCR) in Riverside, Maryland. The Arc NCR empowers people with differing abilities to live, work and thrive in the community. To learn more about The Arc NCR, click here.
Iva’s Experiences With The NADSP E-Badge Academy
The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) recently asked Iva about her experiences with the NADSP E-Badge Academy. The questions covered how she carries out her work as a direct support professional, the skillsets she demonstrates on a daily basis, the impact that the E-Badge Academy has had on her professional recognition, and how she gets credit for competency.
Describe the story you shared in carrying out that competency:
I shared the story of how someone I support wanted to celebrate Hanukkah for the holiday, so myself and fellow staff aided her in celebrating.
Why is this competency so important to DSPs?
Part of the mission of the Arc NCR is to provide advocacy for personal choice for those we support. As DSP’s we’re to empower those we support by being person-centered first and foremost. Engaging daily with individuals to get to know their likes, dislikes by building a relationship and trust with them aids me in giving the best support I can give.
How can other DSPs replicate your practices?
By engaging and having one on one time with those you support to build trust and open communication with them.
How does the NADSP E-Badge Academy benefit your agency?
It benefits our agency in how it requires DSPs to use tools and skill tactics we’re to use in our everyday work life. The examples given when completing a badge are based on actual events and because of that we’re completing the mission of the agency.
How does NADSP E-Badge Academy benefit the people you support?
It benefits those in a positive way from having those that’re shy come out of their shell, to those that may have had issues with fellow housemates and or friends and are not speaking to them, they can now resolve issues in a respectful manner; to those who rely on staff repeatedly become more independent. Having a positive DSP can only help those that we support be/stay positive. As we all know energy is never lost just transferred.
What does the future hold for your involvement in the NADSP E-Badge Academy?
As I’m working to obtain my DSP III badge, I’ll continue to explore NADSP for updated trainings and new discoveries in the DSP field.
How has NADSP E-Badge Academy affected your professional image?
The E-Badges are just that, it’s a badge I carry with honor. To go through the steps to complete 1 badge alone takes determination. I do feel stronger because I took steps to further understand and become knowledgeable in a field I was already in.
How has NADSP E-Badge Academy affected your skills?
Yes, I feel more skilled because the NADSP provided valuable information like the Code of Ethics that I can use in every area of my life not just as a DSP.
How does NADSP E-Badge Academy give you credit for competency?
The badges you earn can in turn into extra dollars. As you garner badges you stand out in a crowd because you took the necessary steps to further your knowledge base and you can begin to seek greater opportunities for advancement.
Words from The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region
“Iva is an exceptional Direct Support Professional and truly supports the mission and vision of The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region, supporting people to live, work, and thrive in the community. She works to support every person uniquely based on their strengths, needs, and preferences; she truly makes a positive impact on the lives of the people she supports. Not only is Iva a star DSP, but she is also an amazing team player. Iva is driven to learn, grown, and achieve with us. We are so proud of Iva for this accomplishment and thrilled to have her as team member of The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region.”
Shawn Kros, CEO of The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region

The NADSP E-Badge Academy
The NADSP E-Badge Academy offers Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and Frontline Supervisors (FLSs) the ability to earn national certification through stackable electronic badges. These badges demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and values that these professionals utilize every day, recognizing the professional development that might otherwise go unacknowledged. Through the NADSP E-Badge Academy, DSPs and FLSs are acknowledged for the experience and education that they bring to the human services field.
The vision of the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) is a world with a highly qualified and professional direct support workforce that partners with, supports, and empowers people with disabilities to lead a life of their choosing. NADSP works to elevate the status of direct support professionals by improving practice standards, promoting system reform, and advancing their knowledge, skills and values, through certification, credentialing, training, professional development, and accreditation services.
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Congratulations Iva for supporting someone to be a part of their spiritual practice. These are the things in life that give joy.
Keep doing meaningful work, it is worth it.