Webinar: The Facts About Covid-19 Vaccines for Direct Support Professionals
Direct support professionals have been on the frontlines of supporting people with disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The COVID-19 vaccines are now here and becoming widely available. As this is good news, we also know there is some confusion and worry among people about the efficacy and safety of the vaccine. In this webinar, NADSP in partnership with the American Academy of Developmental Medicine & Dentistry (AADMD) will address vaccine concerns. Please join Rick Rader, MD as he shares up to date and research-based information on the COVID-19 vaccines.
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I want to know how safe is the vaccine.
Im interested in signing up to NADSP
Great information. We are running into about 70% of our staff not trusting the vaccine. Please keep up these kind of videos.
Thank you for this information. I truly listened thoroughly.
I will have to say that the decision from a religious view point
is totally one’s own personal decision. Blood transfusions for instance,
Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse this according to Acts 15:19-21 and 28.
The vaccine is a different issue. I believe Covid-19 is real and share my belief in it.
On that note I will follow the proper protocol according to what the Governor and
the Health care Professionals recommend that we do.
Thank you, C. Kelly
I also want to Know if this vaccine is safe as I have a family with young children and I dont want to put my children into risk
Covid 19 vaccines
At this time I still feel that there is not enough study on the adverse reactions and if the vaccine really works. Other vaccine and medications take years to get on the market and years later people are sueing and winning on side effects and deaths.
I need to know the sides effet of the vaccine
We know the side effects of catching covid 19
My son ready took the shot !not sides effect!!
Is this vvaccine safe and how long would it last for .
I want to know if the vaccine is safe
Thanks for added information and enlightenment on the covid vaccine. I have already accepted to take the vaccine.
I will get it from my doctor
Thank you. This was very interesting and reassuring.
I have seen so many video’s about this vaccine it scary at this time I need to waite and see how it affects those that have taking it.
Thank you about your informatoin.I will get it.
Having been raised in a military family and living overseas, I got many vaccinations as a child. And some were repeated every 6 months to 1 year while there. I have never had a bad reaction and believe 100% in these newest vaccines. I have already taken round 1 and will take round 2 in two days. A sore area about 3 inches in diameter, for about 24 hours, was my only reaction. It’s a real shame that bureaucracies delay the development of other vaccines and medicines.
Thank you for that information
As a registered nurse that works closely with DSPs, I find the video highly informative. We could not combative Covid-19 without our DSPs. I am highly grateful each one of my staff and plan on sharing this information throughout my group homes. Thank you.
Getting vaccinated is more safer than catching covid
I am accepted to take vaccines.
I believe noone should be forced to take the vaccine. having said that everyone is responsible to help themselves safe and people around them by following the guidelines.
Thank you for the information
I am accepted to take vaccines.